Catonsville High School (CHS) Class of 1977 Alumni and Runion Page Image
Weekend Schedule
Past reunions
Yahoo Group
CHS Alumni

We need your help in making this CHS Class 1977 Reunion  event a success!  
Our vision and overall action plan:

1) Establish a collusion and committee to make this happen (we decide on date/time, place, theme and weekend of events)
2) Update the Class Directory (get the group involved with updating this but set deadline)
3) Email invites a few months ahead (make sure we have someone to collect and coordinate the responses)
4) Follow-up with phone calls and emails (we need to get everyone involved with this)
5) Setup the event with decorations (get the committee involved with the theme and organization)
6) Have the event - include pictures, and have fun!!!
7) Follow-up with great times for all!

The following are examples of areas where you can support the our alumni and this reunion:

  • Get involved with the collusion and committee

  • Find Classmates: Support with the class directory and finding missing classmates

  • Mailing support: Help with mailing of initiations and collections of RSVPs.

  • Program Suggestions: Email any suggestion plans. You can also be involved with coordination support of the weekend activities.

  • Transportation: Provides directions, maps, instructions. Lists accommodations and restaurants along the way, airport pickup, arrangements to move members to different locations during the reunion (hotel, tours, church, for example).

  • Registration: Recruits a welcoming committee, checks in new arrivals, makes and distributes name tags, gets change and collects money from last minute arrivals.

  • Photography: In charge of the photographer, videographer, and memory album. Hires professionals and arranges payment or locates willing family members with the right equipment and expertise.

  • Web master support: provide suggested updates and add changes.

More detailed action plan:

1. Kick off meeting and committees formation - review agenda and agree on action plan and establish reunion treasury. Decide on event date(s) and theme. Established funding plan.  We included a variety of former classmates to provide balance planning and encourage diverse, creative ideas to help attract as many as former classmate as possible

2. Locate additional classmates - Update class directory, addresses, phone numbers and emails - double check against our old yearbook and graduation program. Share directory with those that can help find lost classmates. Add updates using, and other sites to find classmates. Inform the CHS Alumni Association and news papers (e.g. Catonsville Times). Post place and time on the Class reunion web site. Start emails to classmates. Provide CHS Alumni with updated list.

3. Develop invites and produce mailing listing - work together on the invite development.

4. E-mail Invites and collect/track RSVP (Target Date to mail out March 29, Track RSVP until reunion.

5. Contract with vendors. All vendor arrangement for reunion should be in writing with no exceptions. Be sure that all contracts contain the type of service, date, price, equipment to be used, menu items, tips etc.

6. Follow-up with phone calls and emails. Establish a phone calling tree and recruit volunteers to help call classmates. Manage the RSVPs.

7. Setup the decorations and have a fun event. Follow-up with great time for a weekend of reunion fun.

Party at Catonsville Knights of Columbus



Please order to volunteer please contact one of the committee members!